Friday, April 16, 2010

Flowers Blooming

I thought I'd share a few flower pictures. We are being blessed with an early spring. These tulips, Heart's Delight (Kaufmanniana or Water Lily tulips), are planted with lamb's ears and muscari (grape hyacinth) with each blooming later. All of them are planted under a mature Japanese Maple by our patio hence the orange electrical cord for the lights in the tree. I planted this last fall and am bowled over by their beauty.

I also planted miniature daffodils because of the wild life eating the crocus. (Only half of the crocus bloom and part of them are dug up so I do not know if there will be any next year.) Again these daffodils went beyond my expectations! As you can see there is only one lonely crocus blooming and Paige came running to be in the picture. I ordered all these bulbs from

The garlic in the garden is getting bigger. I planted French red shallots, white 'keeping' onions, spinach, lettuce, radishes and peas. I am trying a few French varieties of peas, lettuce and radishes - to keep experimenting in my French year. Luckily these are cold-weather veggies since low temperatures are coming back. I'm off to pot-up the dahlias so they can be blooming earlier and so I can enjoy the sunshine. Have a great weekend!

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