Monday, January 4, 2010

New Year Resolutions...Hmmm...

OK. It is a big list of resolutions. But it all boils down to a New Year, kind of a new home and again kind of a new life. We just celebrated our one year anniversary and have sold my home and decided to stay here. So this year is to combining homes, lives and business. How do you create a home? As an interior designer I have helped many people with their homes - even won awards for it. But how do you create a HOME? I have always admired grand homes from the South, France and England. So this year my thoughts are to explore creating a home with a history - our history. So each month I'll break down and explore 'home-making'. This month I'll work on organizing the office and kitchen. Why? If the office is organized bill keeping will be easier therefore financial goals can be worked on. Also if the kitchen is organized (especially getting rid of the third blender from merging the houses) eating healthy will also be easier. So this month lets explore offices and kitchens....

The other resolution is for me to grow to be well rounded. So I joined the 2010 Happiness Challenge. This week is focused on getting enough sleep. This is an area I need to work on, I push myself to keep getting more done. I am setting a bedtime and sticking to it. I also thought as I wrote my thank you notes for the holidays that I was weak in this area. I went and borrowed a few books from the library today - 'The Art of the Handwritten Note' by Margaret Shepard and 'Words to the Rescue' by Steve Fadie. So my goal is to write one handwritten note a week and to learn more about this 'art'.

To make this week fun in these resolutions I am giving myself an artist date to find some fun ink pens, markers and/or pencils to write with. In my local town there isn't a stationary store but Arnie's Arts & Crafts may work, if not I looked up and found a stationary store, Papers Plus, in Grand Rapids. Maybe a road trip....Also as a treat for organizing the office this weekend I'll make some fun note cards - rubber stamp, watercolor, paper scraps. I'll post them soon.

OK places to start on the resolutions, let's get going on them.

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